Q. Who Are We?

Protect Palestine is a grass-roots initiative organised by Palestine solidarity groups from around the world. It has no relationship to any state.

Q. Which countries would send a Protective Force?

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Q. How Would an International Force be established?

The United Nations has a legal mechanism to estbalish a UN Peacekeeping Force, which would require a resolution of the United Nations Security Council. Given the Veto power exercised by the 5 Permanent Members of the Council, this process would require authorisation of the United States of America.

However, states can agree to collectively establish an international military force outside of the United Nations process. This can be made of components provided by each state's national military. This force can be offered to provide a protective presence for Palestinian civilians, facilitate unhindered humanitarian aid and ensure the Palestinian right to self-determination. Under state's obligations under the Responsibility to Protect, this international military force would be necessary to prevent genocide and protect civilians against serious violations of undernational law.