Why Protect Palestine?

Since Octoer 2023, Israel has killed tens of thouands of civilians, including parents, children, teachers, nurses, doctors, journalists. Entire families have been killed at the same time, with thousands more remaining under the rubble in Gaza.

Israel's leaders are being investigated for war crimes including extermination of a civilian population, and the International Court of Justice has found that there is a plausible case of Genocide.

For over a year, Israel has shown a complete disregard for international law and calls for an immediate end to hostilities. An international military force is now vital to save Palestinian lives by providing protection to civilians throughout the occupied Palestinian territtory.

ONE - Protect Civilians

The Israeli Defence Force continues to block aid supplies to people in Gaza, including deprivation of food, water and medical aid. The Israeli government has targeted and restricted the worm of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine causing acocolyptic conditions for those still alive in Gaza.

An international military force is vital to ensure that vital aid can be supplied to Gaza to ensure all that is needed for survival and well being for all people in Gaza.

TWO - Unhindered Humanitarian Aid

The Palestinian people have a right to self-determination guaranteed by the UN Charter and international law.

The future of Palestine, including its governance and agreements with foreign nations, must be determined by the Palestinian people. Their determination must be made free from threats, intimidation and coercian from all other states, and in an environment in which their peace and security is guaranteed.

An international military presence in required protect and help implement whatever determination made by the Palestinian people for their future.

THREE - Ensure Self-Determination